

It is planned for 2017:

- Increasing the volume of gum extraction by 1,000 tons per year by means of existing and new logging camps, which will allow to increase the volumes of rosin production and the number of jobs.

- Introduction of the second granulation line of rosin esters for the simultaneous release of granulated rosin and granulated rosin esters without loss of product quality.

- Organizing own production of gum collectors by introducing a thermoplast automat complete with a vacuum loader and a raw material drier.

At the moment, it is being developed technologies and output of new types of products:

- resin for cold plastics

- polymeric petroleum resin

- flotation agent “pine oil” based on gum turpentine

- btuminous stains cleaner

- wood protecting antiseptics:

transport, biological flame protecting, bleaching, “anti-beetle”.

natural oil-type preservatives eco-lux for wood based on turpentine and vegetable oils.